Azizijobs will make every effort to fulfill your request as required by applicable law. However, submitting this form does not automatically create an account with Azizijobs or any of its partners involved in processing Personal Data Requests. By clicking the "submit" button, you consent to the automated processing of your information for the purpose of identity verification.

It is important to note that verifying your identity is a necessary step to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data. This also helps prevent fraudulent activities and protects your information from unauthorized access.

If you would like to submit a request to Monster not to sell your personal information, you may find that link in the footer of entitled “Your Privacy Choices”. There is no ID verification to submit this type of request.

*Note: If you are submitting this request on behalf of another, please disregard the identity verification email and attach the following to this request:

1) Authorization paperwork; and
2) Verification such as e-signature certificate along with audit trail.

am submitting this request
For myself
On behalf of another

I am a (an)
Job Seeker

Select request type
I would like a copy of my personal data
I would like to delete my personal data
Please provide a information.
Please provide a last name.
Please provide a last name.
Please provide a email.
Please select a country.
Please select a state.
Please select a city.
Please provide a address.
Please provide a post code.
Please provide a recaptcha.